Wireless Sensor System for
Cargo Shipping Containers
To detect the presence of humans in cargo containers,
Erallo developed a wireless sensor network integrated with highly
sensitive, custom designed analog CO2 and O2 gas sensors (Giner,
Inc). The sensor nodes and network included on-board data processing
and wireless communications. Multi-sensor data fusion algorithms
were implemented to combine data from heterogeneous sensors and
draw conclusions. In Phase II of the project for the Department
of Homeland Security, Erallo included secondary sensors, like
sound and temperature, to identify any tampering and to generate
alarms when thresholds are reached.
Wireless Sensor Network for Chem/Bio Threat
Erallo developed a light weight, agent-based sensor network for
detecting Chemical Warfare Agents (CWA) using radio nodes/motes
(Crossbow) and cutting edge nano-technology chemical gas sensors
(Next Dimensions) for a US CDMRP program.
Wireless Electrochemical Monitoring for Decontamination
Erallo developed an automated and remote, wireless sensor network
that was integrated with custom designed CLO2 micro-sensors (Giner)
and temperature sensors. The purpose of the system was to sense
and notify users via radio transmissions on the gas concentration
within a pre-defined zone.